4 Hours
WHMIS 2015 Training
Our Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS 2015) safety course identifies the changes to the new WHMIS 2015 (GHS) requirements for the workplace. WHMIS joined forces with the worldwide hazard community known as GHS (Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals) and now WHMIS in Canada has been renamed to Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS 2015) and follows a very similar outline to GHS.
All workers who work with a hazardous product require WHMIS training. Examples include workers who:
May be exposed to a hazardous product due to their work activities (including normal use, maintenance activities, or emergencies)
Use, store, handle or dispose of a hazardous product
Supervise or manage workers who may be exposed, or use, store, handle or dispose of a hazardous product
Are involved in emergency response